What is a Somatic Ceremonial Book Reading?

You don’t truly get something by knowing it from a thinking state. You truly get something by feeling it from an embodied state.

Information is what you read, study, or buy into as truth. You don’t really understand it; you’re trying to make sense of it from your logical, thinking mind. Knowledge is what you feel. It’s your truth. It’s what is buried deep inside your body.

Somatophobia is not a book that merely gives you more information to fill your head. This is a book that is going to share with you the knowledge and wisdom I've discovered on my healing journey – my HIGHer self’s return home to my body – empowering you to remember how to return your HIGHer self to your body so that you can unlock the infinite knowledge awaiting you.

Somatophobia is a ceremonial transmission guiding you home to your truth.

Every word in this book opens a portal for you into the quantum field… a sacred invitation to remember who you truly are.

When you feel the words resonating in your body, your body recognizes a familiar frequency. A truth. Your consciousness opens doors that are in alignment with this knowing, unlocking more and more of your HIGHest potential.

I’m not telling or teaching you anything new… I’m merely helping your consciousness to remember.

In order to allow the cells of your body to receive the full vibrational transmission of the knowledge shared in this somatic ceremonial book reading, and for you to receive the greatest healing possible, Cannabis will be imbibed ceremonially with sacredness, rituals and an intention.

Cannabis assists you in quieting your logical, thinking mind and bringing online your feeling presence, allowing you to be conscious and present of what you’re hearing and where you’re feeling it.

What is a Somatic Ceremonial Book Reading?

You don’t truly get something by knowing it from a thinking state. You truly get something by feeling it from an embodied state.

Information is what you read, study, or buy into as truth. You don’t really understand it; you’re trying to make sense of it from your logical, thinking mind. Knowledge is what you feel. It’s your truth. It’s what is buried deep inside your body.

Somatophobia is not a book that merely gives you more information to fill your head. This is a book that is going to share with you the knowledge and wisdom I've discovered on my healing journey – my HIGHer self’s return home to my body – empowering you to remember how to return your HIGHer self to your body so that you can unlock the infinite knowledge awaiting you.

Somatophobia is a ceremonial transmission guiding you home to your truth.

Every word in this book opens a portal for you into the quantum field… a sacred invitation to remember who you truly are.

When you feel the words resonating in your body, your body recognizes a familiar frequency. A truth. Your consciousness opens doors that are in alignment with this knowing, unlocking more and more of your HIGHest potential.

I’m not telling or teaching you anything new… I’m merely helping your consciousness to remember.

In order to allow the cells of your body to receive the full vibrational transmission of the knowledge shared in this somatic ceremonial book reading, and for you to receive the greatest healing possible, Cannabis will be imbibed ceremonially with sacredness, rituals and an intention.

Cannabis assists you in quieting your logical, thinking mind and bringing online your feeling presence, allowing you to be conscious and present of what you’re hearing and where you’re feeling it.

Here's what you'll experience:

You'll meet the practices that birthed 'Somatophobia'.

  • We'll guide you through a Sacred Ceremonial Imbibing Ritual for Cannabis with an intention for you to somatically receive the full vibrational transmission of the shared passages.
  • We'll recommend positions and breathwork for you to remain emBODIed.
  • We'll infuse the transmission with sound frequencies.
  • You may feel stuck energies and / or suppressed emotions arising as your consciousness is remembering.



  • 5- 7 pm PST / 8 - 10 pm EST

Here's what you'll experience:

  • I'll guide you through a Sacred Ceremonial Imbibing Ritual for Cannabis with an intention for you to somatically receive the full vibrational transmission of the shared passages.
  • I'll recommend positions and breathwork for you to remain emBODIed.
  • Kumar will infuse the transmission with didgeridoo frequencies.
  • You may feel stuck energies and / or suppressed emotions arising as your consciousness is remembering.



  • 5- 7 pm PST / 8 - 10 pm EST